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Portsonic Communications, LLC


Read about how to become an Affiliate on the Portsonic social media platform

Last Updated: March 8, 2023

Join our Affiliate Program

Portsonic Communications, LLC is launching it's own social media platform called "Portsonic" at http://www.portsonic.com and https://www.portsonic.com. The "Portsonic" name will eventually become a household name like all those other major social media platforms who censor you - the only difference, "Portsonic" will be known as a brand that does not censor you.

Our company, Portsonic Communications, LLC is completely decoupled from the big-tech obligarchs and Silicon Valley giants and our philosophy of a social media platform is quite different than the others - we simply do not believe in censorship in any form or kind and our business model is guided soley by the U.S. Constitution. The "Portsonic" social media platform is being built completely from the ground up without influence of the big-tech obligarchs or the Silicon Valley giants.

The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States specifically states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." and Portsonic Communications, LLC strictly adheres to this in every aspect of it's social media development and advancement as a market player.

With this in mind, if you and your business are aligned with our philosophy, we would gladly like to have you as an affiliate shown on our social media platform that is presently in it's alpha stages of deveopment.