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Portsonic Communications, LLC


Read about how to advertise your business on the Portsonic social media platform

Last Updated: February 23, 2023

Advertising With Us

Portsonic Communications, LLC is launching it's own social media platform called "Portsonic" at http://www.portsonic.com and https://www.portsonic.com. The "Portsonic" name will eventually become a household name like all those other major social media platforms who censor you - the only difference, "Portsonic" will be known as a brand that does not censor you.

Our company, Portsonic Communications, LLC is completely decoupled from the big-tech obligarchs and Silicon Valley giants and our philosophy of a social media platform is quite different than the others - we simply do not believe in censorship in any form or kind and our business model is guided soley by the U.S. Constitution. The "Portsonic" social media platform is being built completely from the ground up without influence of the big-tech obligarchs or the Silicon Valley giants.

The First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States specifically states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." and Portsonic Communications, LLC strictly adheres to this in every aspect of it's social media development and advancement as a market player.

With this in mind, if you and your business are aligned with our philosophy, we would gladly like to have you as an advertiser on our social media platform that is presently in it's alpha stages of deveopment.

Here are the benefits with advertising on the "Portsonic" social media platform:
  • The "Portsonic" social media platform is being developed by a former advisor to President Trump under the America First agenda and it's set of policies established by the President for creating jobs on American shores. Know your business is in good hands of a hard-core Constitutionalist at the helm of Portsonic Communications, LLC who understands what Republic's are and is not affiliated with any particular political party.
  • The "Portsonic" social media platform is completely decoupled from the big-tech obligarchs or the Silicon Valley giants and your advertising data stays self-contained at Portsonic Communications, LLC without threats of an authoreterian or totaleterian dictorial take over of our company looking to sabotage our company and your freedom of speech which is guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States.
  • All alpha programming of the "Portsonic" social media platform is being done by United States Citizen programmer(s) and guided by United States Permanent Resident(s) who understand our Counstitutional Representative Federalist Republic. Our foreign based programmer affiliates are required by Portsonic Communications, LLC to directly write the language of the U.S. Constitution into their code base during the beta stages. Foreign code will be rejected if it does not contain the language of U.S. Constitution.
  • No illegal(s) are allowed as programmers to participate in any aspect of developing the "Portsonic" social media platform.
  • Portsonic Communications, LLC will never sell your data to any 3rd party providers because your data is self-contained at our own data center(s).
  • We do not use cloud based services to host content in the United States. All hosting is done locally on American soil and validation is ongoing through relationships with our foreign partner(s).
  • Your data is self contained with Portsoic Communications, LLC and it's own data center(s) with the very first data center to break ground in the second quarter of 2022 in Kingman, Arizona.
  • Your business is tracked by the hits made on each news story page through your advertising on the "Portsonic" social media platform and business statistics are only made available to you through Portsonic Communications, LLC with a specific business account that you use to logon the "Portsonic" social media portal. No outside or 3rd party provider will provide you with statistical advertising data.
  • The "Portsonic" social media platform is monitored by various members of the United States Armed Forces and Veterans to ensure the platform complies with all regulations of the United States.
  • Your business is not hampered by those fancy algorithms which lead to censorship. The "Portsonic" social media platform does not use those fancy algorithms to track and monitor your posts. Just pure "bullshit" as you tailor to your liking is spewed on the "Portsonic" social media platform.
During our intial alpha launch of the "Portsonic" social media platform under Alpha Test Phase 1, we were looking for 5 businesses to advertise on news story pages using the following rate structure we established during the alpha testing period. We had limited this to 5 businesses with an audience of 500 users signing up. There were bugs found within the first 3 days with the Advertising module with routines that did not get hooked into the Purchase Alpha Promo Package A, B or C buttons and we promptly ended the alpha launch before users could begin signing up. We have since fixed the bugs and are moving into a 100 day Advertising module testing period. We are looking to work with 10-20 different businesses to verify the bug fixes before we open the next Alpha Testing period to re-launch the original Alpha Test Phase 1 sometime around the beginning of January 2023. At that time, we will enable the Purchase Alpha Promo Package B and C buttons to allow for more businesses to come on board.

  Alpha Testing Promotional Packages:


News Story Ad:
$250.00 Monthly
20% Discount If Purchased Before Official Alpha Date Announced

Advertising Information:

Your ad of $200.00 (discounted price) is automatically deducted every month during the Alpha testing phase from the bank account or credit card of your choice, until you ask us to stop.

Limited test with the Advertising module with 10-20 businesses. Test begins Sunday, July 31, 2022 and ends Tuesday, November 8, 2022 (100 days). Limited testing could be extended until the beginning of January 2023 and allow for 10 more businesses.


News Story Ad:
$200.00 Monthly
20% Discount If Purchased After Official Alpha Date Announced

Advertising Information:

Your ad of $160.00 (discounted price) is automatically deducted every month during the Alpha testing phase from the bank account or credit card of your choice, until you ask us to stop.

Up to 500 different "Portsonic" social media users during the alpha testing will see your business advertisement on each news page established during the alpha phase.

Only accepted if Alpha Promo Package A has not reached the limit of 20-30 businesses.


News Story Ad:
$150.00 Monthly
20% Discount If Purchased After First Month Of Alpha Testing

Advertising Information:

Your ad of $120.00 (discounted price) is automatically deducted every month during the Alpha testing phase from the bank account or credit card of your choice, until you ask us to stop.

Up to 500 different "Portsonic" social media users during the alpha testing will see your business advertisement on each news page established during the alpha phase.

Only accepted if Alpha Promo Package B has not reached the limit of 20-30 businesses.